Peoples Road

EHRA conducted a traffic engineering study to identify the impacts of a proposed master development located near the intersection of FM 1488 and Peoples Road in the City of Conroe.

Project Overview

Comprehensive Traffic Services

The overall project included a traffic engineering study, a traffic signal warrant analysis, intersection improvements design and a traffic signal system design. EHRA conducted a traffic engineering study to identify the impacts of a proposed master development located near the intersection of FM 1488 and Peoples Road in the City of Conroe.

The study process included site investigation, traffic data collection, trip generation, trip distribution, traffic assignment, level of service and capacity analysis for different conditions using SYNCHRO software and the development of mitigation measures. A Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis (TSWA) was also conducted to justify the installation of a traffic signal system at the intersection of FM 1488/Peoples Road according the guidelines set forth by the latest edition of TXMUTCD. Recommendations included adding a right turn lane on Peoples Road and installing an actuated traffic signal system at the intersection of FM 1488 and Peoples Road.

EHRA prepared construction drawings, specifications and cost estimates for the proposed intersection improvements and traffic signal design. The construction drawings included proposed roadway plan and profiles, a traffic control plan, signing and striping and traffic signal plans. The traffic signal design encompassed the design of foundations, signal poles, mast arms, radar detection, pedestrian crosswalks, ADA wheelchair ramps, phasing configurations and an electrical schedule chart. EHRA also coordinated with TxDOT to prepare a permit application package for the approval of intersection improvements and traffic signal at FM 1488 and Peoples Road.

Project Highlights:
• Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis
• Intersection Improvements Design
• ADA Ramp/Accessible Pedestrian System (APS)
• Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
• Signing and Striping
• Traffic Signal Design
• TxDOT Permit

Project Details
Public Infrastructure
Surveying and Mapping


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