Hydrology & Hydraulics

We provide complete Hydrology & Hydraulics (H&H) services to design and build smart flood mitigation plans and systems for better water flow and drainage.

Practice Area Leader - Hydrology & Hydraulics
Andy Palermo, PE, CFM

Andy Palermo, PE, CFM

Managing Senior Principal

Andy Palermo started his engineering career as a summer intern at EHRA during his senior year in college. After obtaining a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University the following semester, he joined the EHRA team in 2003. He leads the Hydrology & Hydraulics and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) team at EHRA as a Practice Area Leader, Senior Vice President, and Chief Technology Officer of the firm. Andy’s experience ranges from creating master drainage plans for proposed master-planned communities, to drainage improvement projects for flood-impacted areas and watershed studies that result in FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map revisions. He is also involved with the firm’s Strategic Planning team, working to establish goals and objectives to continue the firm’s success. He is an active member in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Houston – Stormwater Management Committee Chair, West Houston Association (WHA) – Flood Control, Drainage & Wetlands Committee Vice-Chair, Texas Floodplain Management Association, and Houston Contractors Association – Flood Committee. Outside of work, Andy enjoys the occasional round of golf, working in the yard, coaching his son’s youth sports teams, and spending time with friends.

Reducing Flood Risk through Resilient Drainage Solutions

Hydrologic and hydraulic studies are essential to provide drainage solutions that manage stormwater and reduce flood risk. As the topic of flooding comes to the forefront, technology and advanced analyses are critical to better evaluate flood risk. Our team understands that drainage infrastructure is an integral part of each project, and we analyze drainage solutions that are not only effective in protecting communities from flooding, but also consider the aesthetic, communal, and environmental aspects of each project. Our approach is to work collaboratively with public and private partners to build long-term relationships and realizing goals together. This partnership brings forth the best possible drainage solutions.

At EHRA Engineering, we perform many diverse drainage analyses to help protect structures and the public from flooding and deliver innovative ways to incorporate resilient infrastructure. We provide a full spectrum of H&H services for projects in both the private and public sectors, including, but not limited to, master drainage plans for proposed subdivisions or master-planned communities, drainage improvement projects for flood-impacted areas, watershed studies that result in regional flood solutions and FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map revisions.

Our Hydrology & Hydraulics Services Include:
  • Drainage Impact Analysis (Simple or Complex Watershed Studies)
  • Floodplain Impact or Mapping Studies
  • Detention Analysis
  • Channel Analysis
  • Urban Drainage Studies
  • Roadway Drainage Studies
  • Watershed Planning Studies
  • Flood Reduction Studies (Local or Regional)
  • Low Impact Development Analysis
  • Drainage Feasibility Investigations or Studies
  • Preparation of Applications to FEMA (LOMR-F, CLOMR, LOMR)
  • GIS Services
  • Subdivisions
  • Master-Planned Development Communities
  • Residential or Site Development
  • Roadway Improvements
  • New Roadways
  • Regional Flood Planning Projects
  • Regional Stormwater Mitigation Projects
  • Watershed Study Projects


The purpose of this project was to convert the existing at-grade crossing of Brazoria County Road 56 (CR 56) and State Highway 288 (SH 288) into a diamond interchange that includes a new overpass bridge and providing access to...

Towne Lake

In 2006, Caldwell Companies sought to create Towne Lake as a community where residents and services could be connected by water. Their vision included boat docks and marinas augmenting traditional walking trails to navigate a...

Towne Lake

EHRA was selected by the client to provide engineering design and to serve as District Engineer for the 2,400 acre Towne Lake Development. Our survey department retraced the overall boundary and performed a topographic survey of...

Cane Island Parkway

The new roadway design comprises of one-half major thoroughfare, conventional drainage, a 600-ft long bridge over Willow Fork Bayou, Retaining walls and intersection improvements at FM 1463 (including traffic signals and...

288 & CR56

The purpose of this project was to convert the existing at-grade crossing of Brazoria County Road 56 (CR 56) and State Highway 288 (SH 288) into a diamond interchange that includes a new overpass bridge. Coordination with TXDOT,...

EHRA Engineering proved to be very knowledgeable and dedicated throughout the project providing a workable design under difficult design constraints.

Erwin Burden Jr., P.E., CFM - City Engineer, Assistant Director of Public Works, City of Baytown

Do You Need Hydrology & Hydraulics Services?

Flooding is a major concern in the Greater Houston region. Understanding the flow and impact of water for your project or community through H&H services is vital in providing safe, efficient water distribution. Reach out to discover the unique approach that EHRA takes to improve storm water quality and reduce runoff.