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At EHRA, we play an active role in the Greater Houston region, and we are always on the move making forward progress. Learn about the most recent developments within our company and in our industry with our latest news.
EHRA filing system
4 Mar 2021

What The TIRZ?

Anyone who has had a casual flip through a Texas business publication has seen the word TIRZ thrown around haphazardly. What you may not know is...
2 Feb 2021

Dare To Grow

Being young and a newcomer in any industry is uncomfortable. I think that applies double for Engineers. I vividly remember feeling underprepared...
2 Feb 2021

Celebrating an 85 Year Legacy

EHRA Engineering has a legacy as old as Texas itself. My ancestors were original settlers of the state, one of the Stephen F. Austin’s ‘Old 300’...
7 Aug 2020

Zube Detention Basin Phase 3

Harris County Flood Control District’s (HCFCD) Zube Detention Basin and Conveyance Improvement Project began in 2015 and has officially opened the...