EHRA completed preliminary engineering, phase one environmental site assessment and schematic development for the widening of Northpark Dr. between US 59 and Woodland Hills Dr. EHRA also provided program management, drainage analysis and design, traffic engineering, environmental documentation and schematic design for the roadway, as well as grade separation at the Loop 494/UPRR railroad crossing.
EHRA conducted traffic operations and access management studies for the Northpark Dr. corridor. This corridor is approximately 2.2 miles long and has major signalized and unsignalized intersections and driveways that access various subdivisions and industrial developments. These studies laid the groundwork for the widening of Northpark Dr. from a four-lane boulevard cross-section to a six-lane boulevard complete street. The new street design includes low impact development drainage, conventional drainage, a grade separation at the UPRR crossing with mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls, two at-grade crossings for bi-directional frontage access, reconstruction of two concrete bridges over a diversion channel, intersection improvements, a roadway-adjacent multiuse path and traffic signal improvements.
Drainage analysis and design included hydrologic and hydraulic studies of both existing and proposed conditions to demonstrate that proposed project components would not adversely affect the 100-year floodplain in the area. The roadway and traffic designs contained horizontal and vertical alignments, cross-sections, plan and profile, sidewalk and bicycle accommodations, intersection layouts, traffic control plans and signing and pavement markings.
As the program management firm, EHRA coordinated with TxDOT, UPRR, the City of Houston Council District E, COH Planning and Development Department, COH Public Works and Engineering Department, Montgomery County, Harris County, HCFCD and area residents throughout the project.
The facility features an activated sludge process system. Additionally, the facility is equipped with an emergency standby diesel generator.
Identified as a top priority during the development of the District’s Parks Master Plan, this portion of trail was the first phase of over two miles of planned trails to provide connectivity and recreation for District residents.
EHRA was selected as one of two firms to provide professional surveying services under contract to Houston Community College System.
EHRA planners, hydrologists and landscape architects worked together to propose an alternative use for the space, re-developing the basin into an amenity pond. EHRA carefully selected native plant materials for both their ability to survive in the harsh conditions of the basin as well as providing filtration for improved storm water quality.
EHRA Engineering is excited to join in the celebration with Caldwell Companies in their achievement of receiving Houston Agent’s “Developer of the Year” award! EHRA believes in engineering with a purpose. The infrastructure and developments that we produce are key components in our effort to create impactful change in the communities that surround us. All of which, however, would cease to exist without our successful partnerships with the developers that make it all possible.
EHRA is honored to have worked with Caldwell Companies for more than 15 years in producing beautiful communities throughout the Greater Houston region. As a proud and long-standing engineering firm, it is our mission to execute the vision of our devoted developers. Our positive relationships with the leaders and staff of Caldwell Companies have led to award-winning residential development projects with the hope of many more to come. Fred Caldwell, Chief Executive Officer of Caldwell Companies, shared that, “It all comes down to trust. Is EHRA a partner we can trust? The answer is yes!” A partnership that was cultivated more than a decade ago has grown stronger than ever in our most recent and upcoming projects.
The best part about working with developers like Caldwell Companies is the opportunity to break the barriers of engineering. The 2,400-acre mutli-use lake community, Towne Lake, was awarded, "GHBA 2012 Master Planned Community of the Year" and is now considered a "destination for living and recreation." Chambers Creek, one of our most recent developments with Caldwell, is hoped to become the largest and most active 55+ community in Texas. It is our hope and achievement to bring new life and excitement to the communities we serve. Peter Barnhart, Caldwell Companies President and Chief Development Officer, stated that “The main amenity at Chambers Creek is going to be FUN!”
“Developer of the Year” is a tremendous achievement, and one well deserved. EHRA is honored to team with such talented individuals that share our passion for building a better future for Houston.
Make sure to check out our Towne Lake Project Profile: