EHRA worked with the District to create a comprehensive Parks Master Plan, which included recommendations for the development of over two miles of hike/bike trails adjacent to local streets, and within flood control and utility pipeline easements. The District began implementation of the Plan by prioritizing the beautification of West Road, a major arterial street that runs through the District.
EHRA completed a site-specific planning and visioning study for the proposed 470-acre San Jacinto Boulevard District (SJBD) in Baytown, Texas.
EHRA designed an expansion that implemented the installation of a new triplex lift station operating in conjunction with the existing duplex lift station.
The purpose of this project was to convert the existing at-grade crossing of Brazoria County Road 56 (CR 56) and State Highway 288 (SH 288) into a diamond interchange that includes a new overpass bridge. Coordination with TXDOT, area landowners, utility companies, and Brazoria County was integral in obtaining approval and acceptance of the project.
EHRA worked with the District to create a comprehensive Parks Master Plan, which included recommendations for the development of over two miles of hike/bike trails adjacent to local streets, and within flood control and utility pipeline easements. The District began implementation of the Plan by prioritizing the beautification of West Road, a major arterial street that runs through the District.
EHRA has been providing Professional Survey Services to Houston Community College System since 2013. Since then, EHRA has filled 26 work orders across eight campuses. This successful partnership has recently been rewarded with a new contract, awarded in 2019 for Professional Survey Services for an innovative new education facility located at the HCCS Northeast Campus.
The new facility, named the HCC Regional Emergency Response Training Center, was detailed at the 2020 State of the College event. Dr. Cesar Maldonado, Chancellor of the six-college system, addressed the attendees on a new, innovative facility to provide training to local first responders in high water rescues. Hurricane Harvey had brought to light the need of focused and thorough training in these techniques and HCCS has responded.
Weeks after the State of the Campus event, EHRA received the proposal request to provide Land Title and Topographic Survey for the new facility. The scope of the survey is 70 acres of the existing Northeast Campus to establish boundary lines for five reserves and three roads. It also includes a 35-acre Topographic Survey including location of on-site utilities.
“This is a groundbreaking project for our region.” Bob Boelsche, RPLS, EHRA’s Survey Project Manager said. “This new facility will actively positively impact the lives of other Texans and we are thrilled to be a part of it.”
The final survey included the boundary and topographic survey information, contour lines, 3-D surface model and full delineation of the current flood plain affecting the campus. The final survey was delivered in both signed and sealed survey format and digital format in AutoCad in May 2020.
HCC Regional Emergency Response Training Center is currently under construction and will in upcoming years as an innovate education resource in Southeast Texas.
For more information on the Regional Emergency Response Training Center: