Project totaled 640 acres including 1256 Residential Lots. EHRA designed, created construction plans, publicly bid and preformed Construction management.
EHRA worked with the District to create a comprehensive Parks Master Plan, which included recommendations for the development of over two miles of hike/bike trails adjacent to local streets, and within flood control and utility pipeline easements. The District began implementation of the Plan by prioritizing the beautification of West Road, a major arterial street that runs through the District.
The new roadway design comprises of one-half major thoroughfare, conventional drainage, a 600-ft long bridge over Willow Fork Bayou, Retaining walls and intersection improvements at FM 1463 (including traffic signals and illumination).
Engineering design and construction phase services of water, sewer, drainage and paving for four subdivision sections and off-site channel (123 acres out of a 400 acre subdivision). There was 60-feet of elevation difference on this site and wooded lots were left in their natural state which required the installation of retaining walls.
Identified as a top priority during the development of the District’s Parks Master Plan, this portion of trail was the first phase of over two miles of planned trails to provide connectivity and recreation for District residents.
A few intersections in the Houston area may be getting traffic and safety improvements in the near future. LINK Houston, in partner with Bike Houston, will be conducting the audit to identify problematic intersections.
“Audit team members will be looking at traffic counts along with the times of day that crashes occur. At each intersection they’ll also observe pedestrian signals, how long it takes to safely cross the street, and how cyclists use the roadway” stated by Roads & Bridges.
To see which intersections will be getting audited, click here.
Source: Roads&