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At EHRA, we play an active role in the Greater Houston region, and we are always on the move making forward progress. Learn about the most recent developments within our company and in our industry with our latest news.
EHRA filing system
22 Nov 2017

Bridges of Texas

If you've ever traveled Texas, you've seen some pretty amazing briges, and a few that just look like art. A few from the Houston area have made an...
11 Nov 2017

WHA Releases Flood Plans

The West Houston Association (WHA) has released a flood control plan. As news reported, many people in neighborhoods such as Fleetwood flooded not...
3 Nov 2017

New Paint, Less Fire

A few extra coats of 'paint' could be all that the steel in a building needs to prevent itself from buckling and failing in a fire. Scientists from...
27 Oct 2017

Recycled Building

Concrete is, after water, the second most widely used material on the planet. MIT undergraduate students have found that, by exposing plastic flakes...
20 Oct 2017

Tri-County Judges Forum

The West Houston Association Tri-County Judges Forum took place Wednesday at the Houston Marriot Westchase where Judges Emmet, Hebert and Duhon gave...
22 Sep 2017

EHRA Launches New Website

EHRA launched a new corporate website this week. uses modern website architecture and the latest technologies to deliver information...