Project totaled 640 acres including 1256 Residential Lots. EHRA designed, created construction plans, publicly bid and preformed Construction management.
EHRA designed an expansion that implemented the installation of a new triplex lift station operating in conjunction with the existing duplex lift station.
Engineering design and construction phase services of water, sewer, drainage and paving for four subdivision sections and off-site channel (123 acres out of a 400 acre subdivision). There was 60-feet of elevation difference on this site and wooded lots were left in their natural state which required the installation of retaining walls.
The new roadway design comprises of one-half major thoroughfare, conventional drainage, a 600-ft long bridge over Willow Fork Bayou, Retaining walls and intersection improvements at FM 1463 (including traffic signals and illumination).
This project was the second phase of parks implementation outlined in the District's Parks Master Plan, which was completed by EHRA in 2007. Utilizing the site of a recently demolished former wastewater treatment plant provided an opportunity to create a passive park space for District residents.
The Governor has declared May 18 – 22, 2020 as "Texas Flood Awareness Week." Texas Flood Awareness Week (TxFAW) brings awareness to the citizens of Texas of the dangers that flooding can present. Flash flooding is the number one weather-related killer in Texas with more than 50% of all flash flood fatalities nationwide involving vehicles. Flooding in Texas is a consistent threat to people and properties. Flash floods are often unpredictable, the public should recognize flood hazards in areas they frequently visit.
At EHRA Engineering, the Hydrology & Hydraulics (H&H) Team uses historical data from the Harris County Flood Warning System to create models that simulate the resulting water levels for our clients. From this information, our clients can take the necessary steps to plan flood mitigation strategies such as detention basins, bypass channels, or channel improvements to help alleviate flooding issues. The Harris County Flood Warning System measures rainfall amounts and monitors water levels on a real-time basis throughout Harris County and into some of the surrounding counties.
Flood mitigation is a central issue for the Gulf Coast region. EHRA Engineering has a remarkable team with expertise in performing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for a variety of projects. Hydraulics & Hydrology services provided by EHRA Engineering include: 2D analysis, flood plain mapping, bridge and culvert hydraulics, riverine hydraulics, scour analysis, regional and local storm water impact and mitigation analysis, urban storm water management and master planning.
What is a flash flood? Take action! A Flash Flood is flooding that occurs when it rains rapidly on saturated soil or dry soil that has poor absorption ability. These conditions worsen considerably in periods of drought. It may be caused by heavy rain associated with a severe thunderstorm, hurricane, or tropical storm. Flash flooding occurs quickly and catches most people off guard.
What is a flood watch? Be prepared! A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It does not mean flooding will occur, but it is possible.
What is a flood warning? Take action! A Flood Warning is issued when the hazardous weather is imminent or already happening.
Safety Tips:
Click here to see a copy of the Flood Awareness Declaration signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.